USS Silversides Museum

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March 14, 2022, Fred Johnson – Doolittle and the USS Hornet

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

The early days of WWII in the Pacific brought bad news every day. America needed a win and quickly. In walks, James Harold “Jimmy” Doolittle (1896-1993) was a pioneering pilot, aeronautical […]

March 21. 2022 Fred Johnson- China Burma India

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

China-Burma-India Theater (1941–45). The China‐Burma‐India (CBI) theater has been dubbed “the forgotten theater” of World War II. Once the United States entered the war, American strategy called for building up China as […]

MARCH 28, 2022 The USS Silversides the boat, the men, and the war.

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

Come and listen to USS Silversides staff members Don Kitchen and Teresa Folkmier-Troutman discuss the Pacific war years of our venerated and decorated war veteran and her valiant crew. Don and Teresa will talk about the boat itself, the official version of how the Silversides was so successfully utilized during the war, and stories from […]

April 4th 2022 John Heaton – The Little Known History of World War II in Alaska

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

Lecturer will be off site and zoom into theater. A lecture dedicated to the people of Alaska, who fought bravely in WWII Six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese bombed the U.S. Dutch Harbor Naval Operating Base and U.S. Army Fort Mears, near Unalaska Island and occupied the Aleutian islands of Attu […]

April 25, 2022 Ron Janowski- MacArthur’s Return to the Philippines

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

During World War II’s Pacific Campaign, General Douglas MacArthur, along with his family, were located on the island of Corregidor where he oversaw more than 90,000 American and Filipino troops in the battle against the Japanese military. As neighboring strongholds fell to the Japanese, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt grew concerned that Corregidor would also fall […]

35th Annual Lost Boat Ceremony Sunday May 29, 2022 11:00am

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

Our lost boat ceremony is a time honored tradition here at the USS Silversides Submarine Museum. For 35 years we have honored the 52 lost crews and their submarines from WWII. The ceremony is free to the public with food provided by G&L hotdogs. There will be music by the West Michigan New Horizons Music Ensembles. A […]

911 Community Day of Remembrance and Scout Salute

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

Annual 911 event on the submarine with local Scout saluting will take place from 3 to 5 pm aboard the USS Silversides Submarine. All are welcome to view the event to remember those who died that day! Around the state at the Gerald R. Ford Museum, LST 393 the USS Edson in Bay City and […]

Deep Dives Event Series “The Toledo War”

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

Deep Dives Event Series “The Toledo War” presented by Kurt Troutman

Underwater Pumpkin Carving

Silversides Museum USS Silversides Museum, 1346 Bluff St, Muskegon, MI, United States

The Muskegon County Sheriff Dive Team carves pumpkins underwater in the Muskegon channel. 1-3pm on Sunday, October 16th. Bring your own pumpkin!

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